A scheduling order is an order issued by a Judge before trial that sets deadlines on when certain events in a case must occur. Often the most significant deadlines concern discovery and exchange of trial exhibits. Discovery is the process where a party can formally request information that is relevant to the case, such as documents or answers to questions in writing or orally. Discovery is usually requested from the opposing party but can be requested from non-parties as well. The scheduling order will usually set a deadline when discovery must be completed, and can prohibit discovery outside the timeframe set forth in the scheduling order.
Similarly, many scheduling orders require each side to provide copies of exhibits to the other side in advance of trial. Exhibits not provided in accordance with the scheduling order may not be admitted as evidence, even if they would otherwise be admissible. It is very helpful to have a knowledgeable family law attorney assist you after a Judge has issued a scheduling order. A knowledgeable family law attorney can work with you to seek information through discovery that will help prepare the case for trial or foster settlement. Similarly, a knowledgeable attorney can determine which documents will be admissible at trial, and if so, under what conditions, and select exhibits that will present your case in a persuasive manner.
At MacElree Harvey, Ltd., we have knowledgeable, experienced attorneys practicing exclusively in the area of family law, who have handled numerous cases with scheduling orders. We would be happy to assist with your matter as well.
Patrick J. Boyer concentrates his practice on family law. He advocates in various areas including, but not limited to, divorce, property division, alimony, child custody and visitation, child support, and domestic violence. In addition, Patrick assists his clients with issues involving guardianship and third-party visitation. He is licensed in Delaware and Pennsylvania and works out of the firm’s Centreville, Delaware office.